

医疗事故 Lawyer in Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids, MI

在凯琳律所, 客户端与大急流城和卡拉马祖地区的客户合作,他们遭受了改变生活的伤害, 或者在某些情况下, 因医疗事故而失去亲人的家属.

当你去看专业的健康护理人员时,你理所当然地期望得到优质的护理. If doctors administer 不正确的治疗, the results can be devastating. 在凯琳律所 PLC, we’re experts in medical malpractice law. We can help you file a medical malpractice claim correctly.

What is 医疗事故?

每个医疗专业人员都应该为每个病人提供一定程度的护理. 这包括医生, 外科医生, 牙医, 护士, 助手, 药剂师, and any other medical professional. When one of these individuals fails to provide that expected level of care, it can be considered negligence, 或者医疗事故. To prove medical malpractice, 必须证明,在同样的情况下,任何其他医疗专业人员都能提供更高水平的护理. Our attorneys can help you gather evidence to file a claim.

What Are the Four Elements of 医疗事故?

To prove medical malpractice in court, it’s necessary to demonstrate 四种元素: duty, dereliction, direct cause, and damages.

Duty: The Duty of Care Owed to Patients

卫生保健提供者, 诊所, 医院有责任为病人提供合理标准的护理. This applies whenever there’s a professional relationship in place, such as going to the doctor’s office for a checkup, 安排手术, or visiting the emergency room.

Dereliction: Breach of Care

如果医疗专业人员违反了合理的护理标准,这被称为玩忽职守. Operating on the wrong patient is an obvious breach of duty of care. 可能需要专家证词来证明有能力的医疗专业人员不会犯错误.

Direct Cause: The Breach of Care Caused Injury

有必要证明医生的行为对伤害负有直接责任. 例如,一位外科医生喝醉了,做了一个切口,导致神经损伤. Proving this requires gathering evidence, which is why working with a medical malpractice attorney is important.

Damages: Economic and Noneconomic Losses

损害赔偿金指的是由于医疗事故造成的经济后果. 医生的错误可能会让你支付额外的手术费用. Perhaps you lost your job because of the accident. 损害还包括情感伤害,尤其是在性行为不端的情况下.

What Are Common Types of 医疗事故?

Several kinds of medical malpractice are more common than others:

  • 无法诊断: 医生不会做出任何称职的健康专家都能做出的诊断.
  • Failure to warn patients of risks: 医生知道某种治疗有严重的风险,却不告诉病人.
  • Incompetent administration of treatment: Treatment isn’t administered correctly, such as giving the wrong dose.
  • 错误的治疗: 医生选择了一种称职的卫生专业人员会避免的治疗方法.

How Do 医疗事故 Claims Work in Michigan?

在密歇根, there are several elements to a medical malpractice claim; for example, the existence of a health care-patient relationship, the applicable standard of care, 过失行为, 因果关系, and the harm resulting from the medical malpractice, 比如失去生命, 残疾, 痛苦和折磨, medical expenses and other economic losses. 某些细微差别适用于医疗事故案件,例如MCL§600中的通知要求.2912(b)和2年的诉讼时效(在大多数情况下,某些例外情况适用). Common medical malpractice cases involve errors in surgery, 治疗失败, 不正确的治疗, 诊断失败, and improper hospital care.

What are Some Malpractice Case Examples?

医疗事故的范围从极其离奇的场景到仅仅是疏忽造成的严重后果. 每个案例都是独特的,需要医疗事故律师的个性化观察.

Some examples of real cases include:

  • A surgeon leaving an object inside a patient. 这种情况发生得太频繁了,从海绵和抹布到金属工具都有. Sometimes this causes immediate health concerns, 而其他时候,病人直到几年后才知道它发生了,因为他或她的健康状况开始恶化.
  • A pharmacist filling the wrong prescription. 有时处方上还会配上更高剂量的正确药物, 有时病人接受的药物与医生开的完全不同. 在很多情况下, 当病人对药物有不良反应时,这种情况很快就会被发现, or when the health issue that required a prescription fails to improve.
  • A doctor failing to diagnose a condition correctly. 这可能很棘手,因为有时医生确实无法根据他或她所掌握的信息做出正确的诊断. 医生可能会让病人进行一次又一次的检查,但没有正确的结果来做出诊断. 如果其他医生能在做了同样的检查后诊断出这种疾病, 然而, it could be considered malpractice.
  • A hospital employee not following through. 也许是医院的护士忽视了紧急呼叫,或者是医院的工作人员没有完成卫生措施. These types of situations can be serious, if not life-threatening.


在凯琳律所, we have a group of professionals who are committed to you. With years of experience in a wide range of areas of the law in Michigan, we are experts at dealing with medical malpractice. 客户端相信每个病人都应该有机会过上更好的生活, and with a medical lawyer by your side, 如果医疗专业人员未能为您提供适当的护理,客户端会努力确保您得到赔偿. We serve the Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo, MI areas, so give us a call!

Medical malpractice cases are complicated; thus, it is important to discuss your case with an experienced attorney. 如果你或你所爱的人是医疗事故的受害者,改变生活的伤害, 客户端的律师会随时与您讨论您的选择并探讨您的案件. You can contact us online or call us at (269) 382-4818 来评估你的情况.

医疗事故 Attorneys

每个病人都是独一无二的. 许多病人要求医疗事故赔偿医疗账单和费用, and others want justice and peace of mind. 父母可能会要求赔偿失去工作的可能性,以继续为家庭成员提供帮助. 在凯琳律所, we work with clients who have suffered life-altering injuries, 或者在某些情况下, 因医疗事故而失去亲人的家属. 龙8国际app 马上或打电话 (269) 382-4818 寻求帮助.

In my occupation as a financial planner and wealth manager, I come in contact and work with lawyers constantly. 我想让你知道亚当·凯伦和你见过的其他律师都不一样. His initial consultations are complimentary. 他会花时间去了解你,了解你的期望、目标和目的. This also gives you the opportunity to get to know him as well. When you spend time with Adam, 你可以看出,他真的很感兴趣,愿意为你提供最好的照顾和服务. He gives you an accurate quote, 他给你的建议和建议与你所要求的完全相关,而不会回避任何问题. He makes sure that nothing is exposed, 当涉及到你的遗产被完美地规划时,一切都得到了照顾. Adam created my LLC, and my family trust. 每当我对任何事情有疑问时,我都能获得亚当和他的专业知识. 他迅速而准确地回答了我的问题,他也同样迅速地完成了客户端的信任. 我会向任何有兴趣确保他们的遗产井然有序的人推荐龙8国际app的Adam Keilen, 任何人不希望他们的遗产通过遗嘱认证法庭, and to anyone who needs to create an LLC for their small business. He truly is the best of the best.

——蒂芙尼. Welka, Vice President at VFG Associates, LLC